- The Fair Book is a list of items that can be entered at the fair to be judged. Please follow the guidelines listed in the book.
- Fair Entry is the on-line software that allows you to sign up to exhibit at the fair. You must be signed up through Fair Entry to enter exhibits at the fair.
- No handwritten entry forms will be accepted. All exhibitors must sign up on-line.
***A few navigation tips to using the Fairbook online***
- ~On Page 2 there is a Table of Contents which is interactive. Click on the Content/Department you are looking at and it will automatically take you to that section of the book.
~Pressing "Ctrl" and "F" (at the same time) will give you a search box which will find any word in the Fairbook for you. Type the keyword you are looking for and it will take you to everywhere that word is in the book by using the arrows (< >) to navigate to the next spot in the book.
For questions regarding how to exhibit at the fair please contact Paula Royce 715-216-8842 or paula.langladefair@hotmail.com OR Rebecca Seis at Rebecca.langladefair@hotmail.com 715-610-5085