Midway Vendor /Building Vendors Addendum
Security Deposits
- Security deposits – The deposit will be refunded back to the credit card used in the initial payment.
Vehicle and Stock Trailer Parking/Camping
1. All stock trailers must fit within your 20X20 space as specified by the coordinator. Only certain spots on the midway allow for stock trailer parking. Parking stock trailers inside your designated area must be preapproved with the fair coordinator. If your trailer does not fit inside your 20x20 spot it will need to be parked in the designated parking area and will need a stock trailer pass for $20.00. These can be purchased when checking in. No stock trailers are allowed on camping sites unless approved by coordinator.
2. Each vendor will receive one parking pass per paid space.
3. Vendors must park on designated grass areas only. No parking around buildings or on the midway is allowed.
4. Campers must have a camping pass openly displayed on their camper. You must have verbal confirmation from the coordinator prior to placing your campers in the camping area. Vehicles must fit inside your designated camping area. Vehicles parked in the grassy areas outside of the camping area must display a parking pass.
Set –Up
1. Midway Vendors must be completely set up by Wednesday at 3pm. You can start arriving on the Monday prior to that start of the fair. Earlier arrival must be confirmed with the fair coordinator. Arrival after 1 pm Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday will result in no assistance getting trailer into place.
2. Building Vendors can set-up Tuesday and Wednesday from noon – 5pm. Arrival outside of these times must be pre-arranged with the fair coordinator.
3. Vendors must wear a name badge or apparel displaying business logo/name at all times during the fair. This will help fair personnel identify you as being a vendor while in your booth.
4. No tables or chairs are provided.
5. There will be an inspection by the fire chief, usually Wednesday afternoon, time to be determined. Each food/midway vendor must be available for this inspection. Time will be posted on check in day
6. All midway/food stands must have an operating fire extinguisher within their selling unit. This will be checked.
7. No frayed extension cords allowed.
Soda/Water Sales
- Any vendor selling soda/water must stop at the fair office after 7pm on Sunday, the closing day of the fair, to pay any outstanding soda bill. This needs to be done before leaving the grounds. Failure to do so will result in forfeit of security deposit and vendor may not be allowed back for future years if any outstanding balance.
Sanitation/Garbage removal
1. All grease and grey water must be deposited into the designated containers located on the grounds. Do not dump down sewer drains. Non-compliance of this guideline is forfeiture of security deposit.
2. All cardboard must be broken down prior to placing in it the designated garbage containers.
3. All garbage must be removed from your selling area at the close of each night or before the opening of the next day. Do not let it accumulate around your area. Dispose of all garbage in the proper containers.
4. All water hoses must fit securely. Leaking hoses will be asked to be removed or fixed. All hoses should have back flow protectors.
5.All grease must be removed disposed of in the proper containers prior to leaving the grounds. No leaving containers next to the dumpster is allowed.
Selling area appearance
- All areas must be kept clean and tidy during opening hours. Condiment stations, counters, and other areas must be wiped down regularly and clear of debris.
- Areas using grease fryers must cover the blacktop area and not allow the grease to cover the ground. Blacktop in your area should appear the same as when you arrive as it did when you leave.